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the fox hunts - Book Release Party

We’re celebrating the release of Eric Tyler Benick’s new book with readings by:

  • Eric Tyler Benick

  • Annie Grizzle

  • Ryan Skrabalak

  • Nick Rossi

6pm doors / 6:30 words

A tragic American slapstick in three parts, "the fox hunts" (Beautiful Day Press) peers out at the body politic through the eyes of its prey. In poems which feign and forebode, alliterate and sidle, Eric Tyler Benick explores the failures, both material and semiotic, of three unlikely mammalian protagonists: fox, vole, and mothman. (Is mothman a mammal?)

In its animals’ shifting, revolutionary reconfigurations, “the fox hunts” figures and re-figures the way poems might be real lines of flight, of survival. Benick asks again and again, zipped up tight in the costumes of fox, vole, or mothman, “what use is a word that doesn’t fill you up?”

Eric Tyler Benick is a writer, publisher, and educator living in Brooklyn, NY. He is the author of the chapbooks Farce Poetica (Spiral Editions, 2022), I Don’t Know What an Oboe Can Do (No Rest Press, 2020), and The George Oppen Memorial BBQ (The Operating System, 2019), as well as a co-founding editor of Ursus Americanus Press, a chapbook publisher. More recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Bennington Review, Copper Nickel, The Harvard Advocate, Meridian, Southeast Review, and elsewhere.

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