"The Bridge" is a transatlantic exchange program featuring musicians from France and Chicago. This marks the 21st collaboration between the Bridge and Whistler, dating back to 2013. The lineup features:
Nicolas Peoc’h
Sarah Clausen
Sharon Udoh
Naydja Burton
Corey Wilkes
Hunter Diamond
Allen Moore
Xris Copal
Ollin Yotl
Dustin Laurenzi
Anton Hatwich
The Bridge is supported by Ministère de la Culture, Sacem, Centre National de la Musique, Spedidam, Adami and Institut Français. The Bridge #2.3 has been made possible through Jazz & New Music, a program of Villa Albertine and FACE Foundation, in partnership with the French Embassy in the United States with support from the French Ministry of Culture, Institut français, SACEM (Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique) and the CNM (Centre National de la Musique).
6pm doors / 9pm show / 2 sets / no cover