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Blesstonio presents: Fusion

A dance party series is a controlled fusion experiment, akin to the process that occurs within stars. In the heart of a star, atoms, immense pressure, heat are combined to create new elements, release energy, and evolve stars.

Each dance party represents a unique fusion experiment. Diverse rhythms, genres, and cultural influences serve as the "elements" merging together. The attendees are the particles, each bringing their own energy and style to the dance floor.

Just as fusion in stars requires the right conditions for success, a dance party series needs the perfect environment— a great venue, engaging music, enthusiastic participants, a balanced mix of hype and mystery, experienced, compatible, and savvy organizers, and a bit of luck. No phones on the dance-floor, setting agreed upon and care-based intentions at the door can improve results. 

When these elements come together, the venue turns into a high-energy space where music serves as the catalyst. The reaction reaches its critical point, resulting in an explosion of energy and synergy on the dance floor. 

The fusion process unites and generates a new, collective energy that radiates beyond the event, creating new understandings and appreciations surrounding connectivity, self-actualization, and liberation.

This collision isn't accidental; it's intentional, orchestrated chaos that births unparalleled synergy, unlocking an uncontainable surge of collective euphoria that defies convention. It's not just about dancing; it's about sculpting new languages of expression and radical compassion. Through Fusion We Are Unified. Through Fusion We Are Evolved.

February 7

Relax Attack Jazz Series: FLEX Trio [record release show]

February 9

DJ John Simmons