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City Pop

For the first time ever, City Pop Night will be hosting a style contest, and giving away a mint copy of Tomoko Aran’s Fuyu-Kukan on transparent hot pink vinyl to the individual(s) with the best City Pop fit ✨

The category is City Pop Aesthetic—Think vintage 70s and 80s Japan with a bubble-economy spin. This is not a costume contest, please be respectful and stay authentic. More details leading up the night 🌃

Van Paugam and Kadobara borrow from their extensive collection of vintage Japanese vinyl to present a night of timeless grooves from Japan's neon-drenched bubble era.

City pop is a captivating and multifaceted genre that emerged in Japan during the late 1970s and reached its peak in the 1980s. Characterized by its fusion of various musical elements, city pop encapsulates a sophisticated blend of jazz, funk, soul, and pop, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and forward-thinking.

June 26

Relax Attack Jazz Series: Tim Daisy & Jon Irabagon

June 28

DJ chico