2421 N Milwaukee Ave Chicago, IL 60647
Wed+Thu: 6PM-1AM
Fri: 6PM-2AM
Sat: 6PM-3AM
2421 N Milwaukee Ave Chicago, IL 60647 ✶ Wed+Thu: 6PM-1AM ✶ Fri: 6PM-2AM ✶ Sat: 6PM-3AM ✶
Upcoming Events☟
a group of improvisers formed from alumni of the Oberlin Conservatory
Every Tuesday & Wednesday we present Chicago’s top jazz artists in a lively atmosphere, full of cocktail-shaking and spirited conversation.
CHIRP-curated local artists, Whistler cocktails, and the good feeling of supporting independent radio.
A night of acid, house, electro, and breakbeats that pulls inspiration from decades of club music.
today’s cocktail menu