
November 2022

Artist: Rainn

“Sanctified” invites viewers to take a trip through religious nostalgia and to ponder hidden harbingers of trauma.

"Sanctified" is a physical embodiment of exploring various sides of Christianity told through a Black lens. Composed of found objects, this installation represents a physical exploration of religious trauma hidden behind pleasing aesthetics and its infantilizing effects on Black people. Religion is addressed in gold and cream tones throughout the piece, using the implied reverence to call forth a feeling of being in Sunday School.

A “flock” of church hats, represents both the mark Black women have made in contemporary religion and the undertones of misplaced whimsy.

Scattered about are thick, white bibles. A centerpiece of many Christian homes, with yet another nod to the presence of Blackness in modern Christianity.

Among the bibles are various kitschy religious items, referring once again to the innocence of young religious goers, who are either not yet or have not experienced trauma.

Finally, a simple looping video showing the artist’s feet encased in adult “church shoes” and socks, a reminder that religious trauma, despite its kitschy wrapping paper, remains.

Rainn (She/They) is a Black, lesbian writer and artist living in Chicago. Her writing explores the intersections of Black pop culture and religion, as well as Black sexuality. Her work has been published in various publications online. Rainn also hosts a queer, monthly open mic called, “Fruit Salad." Rainn’s artistic work focuses on found-object installation and photography. “Sanctified” was originally shown at Co-Prosperity in Bridgeport from May 7, 2022 - June 3, 2022. You can find Rainn on Instagram at @Somuchrainn.


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